Treaty Investor E-2 Visa
The E-2 Treaty Investors visa, as the name suggests, is for those foreign nationals who want to contribute to US economy through a significant capital investment. The US government offers the E-2 Treaty Investors visa only to the citizens of treaty countries. A treaty country is a nation with which the US maintains a treaty for commercial and navigational purposes. The list of treaty countries is revised annually. The current list of treaty countries can be found here.
People in business association with such investors (individual or organization) like employees or partner can also apply for this visa to enter United States. Additionally, dependent family members (spouse and children under 21) of E-2 Treaty Investors visa holders can also accompany them to the US. Dependent family members need not to be necessarily citizens of treaty countries.
Below are the general eligibility criteria for E-2 classification.
Be a citizen of a treaty country
Have made or be currently in the process of making a substantial investment in a US based bona fide enterprise
Be looking forward to develop an investment enterprise in the US with at least 50% ownership
The maximum initial stay period for E-2 Treaty Investors visa is 2 years. The extension on the visa can be granted for up to 2 years. Although, there are no maximum limits for visa extension, yet the E-2 non immigrant must show to the immigration authorities that they intend to leave the United States once their visa gets expired or terminated. Additionally, E-2 non immigrants who travel to other countries are automatically granted a 2-year readmission on returning to the US. Also, it is important to note that E-2 Treaty Investors visa holders may not get involved in professional activities other than for which their E-2 classification was approved.
Clearly, the visa process for the E-2 qualification is quite complicated. But with Go For Visa’s professional assistance, you can get through it easily, if you are eligible. Here is how we help:
Helping clients in ensuring that they meet general criteria properly
Helping clients with the documentation
Assisting clients in obtaining the extensions